Answer:No, please enabled [Intel® Platform Trust Technology (Intel® PTT)] or [AMD CPU fTPM] feature under UEFI BIOS. It supports the TPM2.0 feature without TPM2.0 hardware module.
ASRock Intel Platform
For the new Microsoft® Windows 11 installation, we recommend disabling the CSM setting before using the Intel® PTT.
Supported platform.
Generation | Supported Chipset |
Intel 300 series | Z390, Z370, H370, B360, B365, H310, H310C |
Intel 400 series | Z490, H470, B460, H410 |
Intel 500 series | Z590, B560, H510, H570 |
Intel X299 series | X299 |
Intel SoC series | Gemi Lake, Gemi Lake Refresh |
*Intel® PTT is supported. The actual support may be varied based on official release of Windows 11 by Microsoft®.
BIOS option
(a) Go to "Security page” to find the "Intel® Platform Trust Technology” option.
(b) Enabled "Intel® Platform Trust Technology” under UEFI BIOS
Intel® CPU support list:
ASRock AMD Platform
For the new Microsoft® Windows 11 installation, we recommend disabling the CSM setting before using the AMD CPU fTPM.
Supported platform.
Generation | Supported Chipset |
*AM4 300 series | X399, X370, B350, A320, X300, A300 |
*AM4 400 series | X470, B450 |
AM4 500 series | X570, B550, A520 |
TRX40 series | TRX40 |
*AMD CPU fTPM is supported. The actual support may be varied based on official release of Windows 11 by Microsoft®.
BIOS option
(a) Go to "Advanced" \ "CPU Configuration" page to find [AMD fTPM switch].
(b) Adjust "AMD fTPM switch" option to [AMD CPU fTPM].
AMD CPU support list:
#win11 #windows11