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Question (Q&A-162|500): TPM2.0 module is required in Windows 11 specification, does it need TPM2.0 hardware module?(7/1/2021)
Answer:No, please enabled [Intel® Platform Trust Technology (Intel® PTT)] or [AMD CPU fTPM] feature under UEFI BIOS. It supports the TPM2.0 feature without TPM2.0 hardware module.

ASRock Intel Platform

For the new Microsoft® Windows 11 installation, we recommend disabling the CSM setting before using the Intel® PTT.

Supported platform.
GenerationSupported Chipset
Intel 300 seriesZ390, Z370, H370, B360, B365, H310, H310C
Intel 400 seriesZ490, H470, B460, H410
Intel 500 seriesZ590, B560, H510, H570
Intel X299 seriesX299
Intel SoC seriesGemi Lake, Gemi Lake Refresh

*Intel® PTT is supported. The actual support may be varied based on official release of Windows 11 by Microsoft®.

BIOS option
(a) Go to "Security page” to find the "Intel® Platform Trust Technology” option.
(b) Enabled "Intel® Platform Trust Technology” under UEFI BIOS

Intel® CPU support list:

ASRock AMD Platform


For the new Microsoft® Windows 11 installation, we recommend disabling the CSM setting before using the AMD CPU fTPM.

Supported platform.
GenerationSupported Chipset
*AM4 300 seriesX399, X370, B350, A320, X300, A300
*AM4 400 seriesX470, B450
AM4 500 seriesX570, B550, A520
TRX40 seriesTRX40

*AMD CPU fTPM is supported. The actual support may be varied based on official release of Windows 11 by Microsoft®.

BIOS option
(a) Go to "Advanced" \ "CPU Configuration" page to find [AMD fTPM switch].
(b) Adjust "AMD fTPM switch" option to [AMD CPU fTPM].

AMD CPU support list:

#win11 #windows11