Q: How to check the RAID configuration via the Intel RST application under Windows 11?(12/15/2021) A: Please refer to the following steps to check the RAID configuration.
Step 1: Obtain the Intel(R) RST driver installation package and run the executable (SetupRST.exe).
*RST driver can be obtained via the download section of the product page on the ASRock website.
*Default settings and name of the driver may vary and is subject to change without notice.
Step 2: Install using the default setting and reboot the computer.
Step 3: From Windows desktop, find and launch the Intel® Optane(TM) Memory and Storage Management application.
Q: 다른 Intel M.2 SSD가 Intel 300/400 시리즈 플랫폼에 설치된 경우, Optane H10을 활성화 하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?(9/1/2020) A: 다른 Intel M.2 SSD가 설치된 상태에서 Optane H10을 활성화하려면 다음 단계를 참조하세요:
Step 1. 머더보드 웹페이지의 스토리지 섹션을 확인하여 Optane을 지원하는 M.2 소켓에 Optane H10 Optane 메모리가 설치되어 있는지 확인하세요.
Step 4. BIOS에서 Teton Glacier Mode를 활성화 하고 F10을 눌러 설정을 저장합니다.
Advanced\Storage Configuration\Teton Glacier Mode 에서 Dynamic Configuration for Hybrid Storage Device Enable 를 선택합니다
(Teton Glacier Mode 항목이 활성화 되려면, SATA Mode Selection에서 Intel RST Premium with Intel Optane System Acceleration RAID Mode가 선택되어 있어야 합니다)
Step 5. Microsoft Store에서 intel Optane 메모리 및 스토리지 관리 도구를 실행하세요.
Step 6. Optane 메모리를 활성화 합니다. (한번의 재시작이 필요합니다)
Step 7. 시스템이 재시작 된 후, Optane 관리 도구에 Optane 메모리가 활성화 된것을 볼 수 있을 것입니다.
Q: M2_3 슬롯과 다른 M.2 슬롯을 재배치 해서 PCIE SSD RAID를 구성하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요? (6/1/2020) A: 같은 유형과 용량의 똑같은 PCIE SSD를 사용하세요. 다음 단계에 따라 BIOS 설정을 조정하여 PCIe RAID를 구성하세요..
STEP 1. 포스트 스크린 중에 또는 핫키를 눌러 UEFI Setup Utility에 들어갑니다.
STEP 2. Advanced > Storage Configuration 으로 이동하여 SATA Mode Selection을 [RAID Mode]로 설정하세요.
STEP 3. Boot > CSM 으로 이동하여 Launch Storage OpROM policy를 [UEFI only]로 설정하세요.
STEP 4. PCIE SSD가 장착된 M.2 슬롯의 RST PCIe Storage Remapping을 [Enabled]로 조정합니다. 을 눌러 설정을 저장하고 설정(Setup)을 종료합니다.
STEP 5. Advanced > USB Configuration 으로 이동하여 Third Party USB 3.2 Controller를 [Disabled] 설정합니다. 을 눌러 설정을 저장하고 설정(Setup)을 종료합니다.
주의: Third Party USB 3.2 Controller를 비활성화한 뒤에는, 온보드 Type-C 포트는 동작되지 않을 것입니다.
Q: FastBoot 기능이 듀얼 운영체제 시스템에도 사용이 가능하나요?(2/1/2013) A: 네. 사용 가능합니다. 하지만 FastBoot 기능은 하나의 디스크 드라이브나 하나의 RAID 볼륨으로 동작되기
때문에 해당 HDD/RAID 볼륨에 운영체제가 설치되어 있어야 합니다
Q: RAID 0 볼륨을 만들었고 이 볼륨에 운영체제를 설치하고 싶습니다. 얼마만큼의 사이즈로 섹터를 잡아야운영체제를 설치할 수 있습니까?(1/1/2013) A: 윈도우7 과 윈도우9 의 경우에는 섹터 사이즈를 512KB 혹은 1024KB로 설정하셔야 합니다.
리눅스 시스템의 경우에는 512KB, 1024KB, 2048KB 혹은 4096KB 로 섹터 사이즈를 설정하시면 됩니다.
Q: 애즈락 X79 프랫폼에서 LSI MegaRaid 9240-8i RAID ROM에 접근이 안됩니다. 어떻게 해야하나요?(8/1/2012) A: 바이오스에서 부팅 가능한 장치를 모두 비활성화하십시오.
LSI RAID ROM으로 진입하기 위해선 부팅 시에 를 누르십시오.
설정이 완료되면 부팅 가능한 장치를 재등록 하기 위해 부팅 시 바이오스에 재 접근하여 디폴트 설정값으로 되돌려주십시오.
Q: 애즈락 970/990FX 마더보드에서 2.2TB 가 넘는 RAID 볼륨에 OS를 어떻게 설치하나요?(5/1/2012) A: 아래의 SOP와 같이 윈도우 비스트와 7 OS를 RAID 볼륨으로 설치하십시오.
단계1: 최신 버전의 바이오스로 업데이트 합니다
단계2: 모든 HDD를 연결한 후 아래와 같은 설정 적용 하십시오:
[SATA 모드] 를 [RAID 모드]로 설정 하십시오
[Onboard RAID 3TB+ Unlocker] 설정을 [EFI Compatible ROM]로 변경하십시오
이 옵션의 상세 경로는 BIOS > [Advanced] > [Storage Configuration] 입니다
F10을 눌러 설정을 저장합니다.
단계3: 부팅 시, F11을 눌러 [Built-in EFI Shell] 항목을 선택합니다.
단계4: "drvcfg"를 입력하게 되면 아래와 같은 정보가 나타납니다
Drv[4E] Ctrl[B5] Lang[eng]
단계5: "dh [Drv number]"를 입력합니다. 예) "dh 4E"
단계6: RAID 유틸에 접근하기 위해 "drvcfg –s [Drv number] [Ctrl number]"을 입력합니다.
예) "drvcfg –s 4E B5"
단계7: RAID 드라이브를 설정하기 위해 [Logical Drive Main Menu]를 선택합니다.
단계8: RAID 드라이브를 생성하기 위해 [Logical Drive Create Menu]를 선택합니다.
단계9: RAID HDD를 설정하기 위해 [Usable Physical Drive List]을 선택합니다
단계10: 스페이스 바를 이용하여 선택합니다.
단계11: RAID 사이즈를 입력하기 위해 [Ld Size setting]을 선택하십시오
단계12: RAID 사이즈를 설정한 후, [Start to Create]을 클릭하십시오.
단계13: F10 키를 눌러 유틸리티를 빠져 나가십시오
단계14: 재부팅 시, F11을 눌러 부팅메뉴로 들어가십시오.
UEFI: CD/DVD Drive 를 선택하십시오
* 이 옵션은 윈도우7 64비트와 비스타 64비트 운영체제에서만 보이실 수 있습니다.
단계15: 윈도우 설치 가이드에 따라 OS를 설치하십시오.
OS 설치 시, 애즈락 웹사이트에서 최신 SATA RAID 드라이버를 사용하여 설치하십시오.
단계16: 애즈락 웹사이트를 통해 가장 최신의 드라이버들로 다운 받아 설치하십시오.
Q: SATA를 RAID 혹은 AHCI 모드로 설정하였을 때, AIAX64 이나 CrystalDiskInfo 와 같은 유틸의 S.M.A.R.T 정보들을 확인할 수 없습니다. 왜 그런가요?(5/1/2012) A: RAID 혹은 AHCI 모드에서 S.M.A.R.T 정보를 확인하려면 인텔 Rapid Storage 기능 내에서 확인이
가능합니다. S.M.A.R.T 정보는 UI 상이나 트레이 아이콘에서 알림으로 사용자에게 알려주기 때문입니다.
자세한 설명은 인텔 공식 웹사이트에서 확인이 가능합니다: http://www.intel.com/support/chipsets/imsm/sb/cs-015002.htm
Q: 인텔 스마트 리스폰스 기술을 사용하기 위한 기본 사양이 어떻게 되나요?(5/1/2012) A: 인텔 문서에 따르면, 인텔 스마트 리스폰스 기술을 사용하기 위해선 아래와 같은 조건들을 만족해야 합니다:
인텔 Z68/Z77 익스프레스 칩셋 마더보드
인텔 Core™ i3/i5/i7 프로세서 (LGA1155)
SATA모드에서 RAID 지원이 가능한 바이오스
버전 10.5 혹은 최신의 인텔 Rapid Storage 기술 소프트웨어
RAID 볼륨으로 가능한 싱글 하드 디스크 드라이브 혹은 다중 하드 디스크 드라이브
최소 18.6GB 용량의 솔리드 스테이트 디스트(SSD)
운영체제 : MS 윈도우 비스타 32비트 & 64비트 / MS 윈도우7 32비트 & 64비트
보다 자세한 설명은 아래 링크의 인텔 스마트 리스폰스 기술 가이드를 참조하십시오. http://download.intel.com/support/chipsets/sb/intel_smart_response_technology_user_guide.pdf
Please unzip the SATA RAID driver which downloaded in Step1 and put the SATA RAID driver in USB flash drive.
Please click "Load Driver" when selecting hard drive in Windows installation.
Click "Browse"
Choose the folder downloaded in Step1.
RSTe_f6_iaStorA_2008R2_32 is used for 32-bit operating system.
RSTe_f6_iaStorA_2008R2_64 is used for 64-bit operating system
Select the SATA RAID driver for "Intel(R) C600 Series …." as below picture and click next to install the OS.
Q: I have installed all the drivers from support CD, but I could not enable the Intel Smart Response Technology on my Z68 motherboard. What should I do?(5/1/2011) A: First, please download and update BOTH of your BIOS and Intel Rapid Storage Driver.
After doing so, please follow the steps below to setup Intel Smart Response:
Step 1. Before booting up the system, please make sure to connect your HDD to supported SATA ports.
For Z68 Extreme4, please connect to the ports as shown below.
These ports are from Intel PCH chipset, which support Intel Smart Response Technology.
Please note that, for Z68 Pro3 or Z68 Pro3-M, all the SATA ports are supported.
※ Note:
We recommend users to connect your HDD to SATA3 ports if your HDD is SATA3 spec.
Please DO NOT connect SSD to the system at the moment.
Step 2. Please press F2 or DEL to enter BIOS > Advanced > Storage Configuration.
Step 3. Please set SATA mode to [RAID Mode] as shown below
Step 4. In RAID ROM screen, HDD status should be "Non-RAID Disk"
Step 5. Please install OS in SATA HDD, after installation, please shut down your system and connect SSD to SATA ports listed above.
Q: When I plug in an eSATA HDD, it can be recognized in the BIOS. But in the OS, it will show a massage "Storage Device Connected". And I can not use this eSATA HDD, ether. How can I fix it? (3/28/2009) A: Please follow below steps to set:
1.Please enter Intel® Matrix Storage Console, and click the mouse right button on eSATA hard device. And press [Reset Hard Drive to Non-RAID].
2.After setting [Reset Hard Drive to Non-RAID], please restart your computer.
3.Enter to Disk Management, it can recognize your eSATA HDD, please crate a New Simple Volume on it.
4.After than, the eSATA HDD can be recognized.
Q: When I create a RAID volume over 2TB capacity, the RAID volume cannot be recognized after installing the RAID driver during XP installation. Why?(1/12/2009) A: Due to the operating system limitation, Windows® XP only supports MBR disk format, the MBR disk format cannot support the hard drive capacity over 2TB.
If you want to use over 2TB RAID volume to be your boot disk, below three conditions must be required:
1.Your operating system must be Windows® Vista™ x64 SP1 or Windows® 7 64bit.
3.GPT disk format.
Please refer to following link to get more information.
Q: My motherboard is ALiveNF6P-VSTA / ALiveNF6G-VSTA (MCP61 chipset). I'm encountering some problems with SATA HDD when installing the drivers of the motherboard under Windows® Vista™. What should I do?(4/28/2008) A: Please refer to below suggestions.
If you want to install the Windows® Vista™ with non-RAID mode:
Install the SATA driver v998 from support CD during the installation of Windows® Vista™.
The driver path in support CD is
Support CD/Drivers/ SATA2/ nVIDIA/ Vista64_Vista(112)/ IDE/ WinVista/ sata_ide.
You can also download the SATA driver v998 from ASRock website and save it to a floppy diskette, USB flash drive or CD/DVD disk.
Then install the SATA driver v998 from floppy diskette, USB flash drive or CD/DVD disk during the installation of Windows® Vista™.
If you want to install the Windows® Vista™ with RAID mode:
Please refer to the NVIDIA RAID installation guide.
Q: I install Windows® Vista™/Vista™ 64bit on 4Core1333-FullHD / ALiveXFire-eSATA2 with AHCI/RAID mode. After installing the ATI Catalyst VGA driver which downloads from ATI website, the system will become abnormal while resume from Sleep or Hibernate. Is there any way to fix the problem?(9/10/2007) A: If you meet this symptom, please kindly reinstall "ATI All in 1 Driver" from Motherboard Support CD. Or download the "ATI All in 1 Driver" from ASRock website. ( https://www.asrock.com/support/download.asp )
Q: I am using the ConRoeXFire-eSATA2/ 775XFire-eSATA2+/ 775XFire-eSATA2/ 775XFire-VSTA/ 775XFire-RAID motherboard. My Operating system was installed in a SATA/ SATA2 HDD with "IDE" mode. When I install the SATA2 driver (Intel® Matrix Storage Manager), system always pops an error message "This computer does not meet the minimum requirements for installing this software". Why?
IDE mode (In BIOS setup):
SATA2 driver:
Error Message: (2/15/2007) A: The Intel® Matrix Storage Manager (SATA2 driver) is for RAID or AHCI mode. If your operating system was built by "IDE" mode, you don't need to install it.
Q: My motherboard is AM2XLI-eSATA2. How do I install Windows® XP on SATA HDD in AHCI mode?(8/18/2006) A: You need to make a SATA driver diskette before you start the OS installation. Please refer to the following steps:
Enter "SATA Operation Mode" in BIOS setup to set the option to [RAID].
Insert the ASRock Support CD into your optical drive to boot your system.
During POST at the beginning of system boot-up, press key, and then a window for boot devices selection appears. Please select CDROM as the boot device.
When you see the message on the screen, "Do you want to generate Serial ATA driver diskette [YN]?", press .
Then you will see these messages, Please insert a diskette into the floppy drive.
WARNING! Formatting the floppy diskette will lose ALL data in it!
Start to format and copy files [YN]?
Please insert a floppy diskette into the floppy drive, and press .
The system will start to format the floppy diskette and copy SATA drivers into the floppy diskette.
Restart and enter "SATA Operation Mode" in BIOS setup to set the option to [AHCI].
At the beginning of Windows® setup, press F6 to install a third-party SCSI or RAID driver. When prompted, insert a floppy disk containing the ULi® RAID driver. After reading the floppy disk, the driver will be presented. Select the driver to install according to the mode you choose and the OS you install.
Q: I'm using a SATA HDD. My computer was running fine. But one day I turn on my computer, it keeps restarting itself after Windows® Logo page (at startup). Do you have any idea what possibility causes this?(7/21/2006) A: This may be that your system was installed in IDE (or non-RAID) mode. But now it is set to RAID (AHCI) Mode. Please try to set it back to the IDE (non-RAID) mode in the BIOS>Advanced>IDE Configuration.
Here are some examples, please refer to the user manual for details.
VIA® and Nvidia chipset:
Please set SATA Operation Mode to [non-RAID]
Intel® Chipset:
Please set Configure SATA as [IDE]
775Twins-HDTV (R2.0) or P4Twins-HDTV:
Please set ATA Combination Mode to [Enable]
Q: How do I use 4 SATA HDDs to build system in RAID0 mode on K8SLI-eSATA2, 939SLI-eSATA2 and 939SLI32-eSATA2?(5/24/2006) A: If you want to build a system in RAID 0 mode with 4 SATA HDDs, please follow below steps:
1.Enter the BIOS and set "SATA Operation Mode" to RAID mode.
BIOS -> Advance -> IDE Configuration -> SATA Operation Mode -> RAID
2.Set "eSATAII Support" to Disable.
BIOS -> Advance -> IDE Configuration -> eSATAII Support -> Disable
3.Press "F10" to save and exit.
4.When you boot up system, press "CTRL+ A" to go into ULI RAID Utility screen, and choose "Create RAID 0 Stripe X4 for Performance" option to build a RAID system with 4 SATA HDDs.
You could refer BIOS SETUP UTILITY of user manual to adjust BIOS setting.
K8SLI-eSATA2 user manual page 42.
939SLI-eSATA2 user manual page 43.
939SLI32-eSATA2 user manual page 41.
Q: How do I enable Intel® Matrix Storage Manager on 775XFire-eSATA2 and 775XFire-RAID?(4/21/2006) A: In order to enable Intel® Matrix Storage Manager, please refer to the following steps:
Enter into BIOS to set your SATA hard disk in AHCI mode or RAID mode.
(BIOS->Advance->IDE Configuration ->Configure SATA as-> [ AHCI or RAID] )
Make a SATA driver diskette with support CD before installing your system.
Please press "F6" to load Intel® SATA driver during operating system setup.
Please refer to Setting Up a "RAID Ready" System of User Manual of Support CD. (...\Information\Manual\User\)
Install the SATA2 Driver from support CD after the installation of Windows® 2000 / Windows® XP / Windows® XP 64-bit OS.
Q: My motherboard is 775XFire-RAID, its SATA controller is in Intel® ICH6R. But when I install windows 2000/XP and press F6 to load the SATA driver diskette, I cannot see the items for ICH6R. What should I do?(3/20/2006) A: Please press "↓" to expend the menu. The items of ICH6R are under the items of ICH7R. Please choose RAID or AHCI that correspond with the item "Configure SATA as" in BIOS settings.
Q: I use two SATA HDDs to create RAID 1 (mirroring) array on K8NF4G-SATA2. After I finish setting up the array and OS installation, I remove one of the two SATA HDDs. However, when I put the SATA HDD back, it shows a warning message as below when booting up the system. What should I do? (1/16/2006) A: When you remove one of the two SATA HDDs, the system will recognize the left one as an abnormal array. Then, when you put a HDD back, the system will recognize the two HDDs as two abnormal arrays. That is why it shows a warning message to remind you that is not a normal RAID 1 (mirroring) array.
In order to solve it, please press "F10" during POST to get into MediaShield Utility and do the following steps to rebuild the array.
Step 1: Please go to the MediaShield Utility (Press F10) and choose one of the SATA HDD (array) in "Array list".
Step 2: Press "Enter" to get into the "Array Detail"
Step 3: Press "D" to delete this array.
Step 4: After you delete it, please go to "Array Detail" of the left Array.
Step 5: Press "R" (Rebuild) to get into "Select From Free Disk List"
Q: When I play media files with SATA hard disk on 939A8X-M / K8A8X-M / K8Upgrade-1689 / K8COMBO-Z, the screen lags and the sound also becomes abnormal. How should I fix this problem?(11/18/2005) A: Please install the ULi SATA RAID drivers. Even you set non-RAID mode in BIOS and install OS successfully, please still install the Uli SATA RAID driver to get better performance on SATA devices.
Q: I would like to use RAID functions with K8NF4G-SATA2 motherboard. When I adjust the "RAID Mode" option as "Stripe Mirroring" or "RAID 5" (picture A, B) in MediaShield Utility, the system appeared an error message "Invalid number of disks selected" (picture C, D). Why?
picture A, B.
picture C, D. (10/17/2005) A: K8NF4G-SATA2 supports RAID 0 (Striping), RAID 1 (Mirroring) and JBOD (Spanning) RAID modes, but it does not support RAID 0+1 (Stripe Mirroring) and RAID 5 modes. When you adjust the "RAID Mode" option as "Stripe Mirroring" or "RAID 5" mode in MediaShield Utility, the system will show a message "Invalid number of disks selected" to remind you that the system does not support "Stripe Mirroring" and "RAID 5" modes.
So please do not choose "Stripe Mirroring" and "RAID 5" modes on K8NF4G-SATA2.
Q: My motherboard is P4VM800/ 775VM800/ P4V88+/ 775V88+/ P4Dual-880Pro/ 775Dual-880Pro/ K8Upgrade-VM800. I used it with SATA hard drive with RAID condition under Windows XP. If I log on with a limited user account, the system will show an error (see below picture), what should I do? (8/24/2005) A: Please refer to our download site to download the latest VIA RAID driver. This new released driver can solve this problem.
P4VM800: https://www.asrock.com/support/download.asp?Model=P4VM800
775VM800: https://www.asrock.com/support/download.asp?Model=775VM800
P4V88+: https://www.asrock.com/support/download.asp?Model=P4V88%2b
775V88+: https://www.asrock.com/support/download.asp?Model=775V88%2b
P4Dual-880Pro: https://www.asrock.com/support/download.asp?Model=P4Dual-880Pro
775Dual-880Pro: https://www.asrock.com/support/download.asp?Model=775Dual-880Pro
K8Upgrade-VM800: https://www.asrock.com/support/download.asp?Model=K8Upgrade-VM800
Q: I am a K8Upgrade-VM800 / P4VM8 / 775VM8 / P4V88+ / 775V88+ user. I found that a new option "SATA Operation Mode" was added in the latest production BIOS. What is the option for? How should I set it?(5/15/2005) A: The "SATA Operation Mode" provides two choices to install OS on the SATA hard disk.
There are two options for "SATA Operation Mode": RAID (Default) and non-RAID.
a. When choosing "RAID" mode, you have to create a SATA floppy image diskette by the support CD and press "F6" to install SATA driver at the beginning of Windows XP/2000 installation.
If you want to install Windows XP/2000 on the SATA hard disk and also want to use RAID function, please set the option to "RAID".
If you want to install Windows 98SE/Me on the SATA hard disk, please set the option to "RAID".
b. When choosing "non-RAID" mode, it is not necessary to create a SATA floppy image diskette by the support CD nor press "F6" to install SATA driver at the beginning of Windows XP/2000 installation.
It is also convenient for users who do not have floppy drive.
If you want to install Windows XP/2000 on the SATA hard disk but do not want to use RAID function, please set the option to "non-RAID".
Q: I am going to use K8 Combo-Z / 939A8X-M / K8Upgrade-1689 / K8A8X-M to build up my system. I found that there is a new option "SATA Operation Mode" was added in the latest production BIOS. What is the option for? How should I set it?(5/15/2005) A: The "SATA Operation Mode" provides two choices to install OS on the SATA hard disk.
There are two options for "SATA Operation Mode": RAID (Default) and non-RAID.
a. When choosing "RAID" mode, you have to create a SATA floppy image diskette by the support CD and press "F6" to install SATA driver at the beginning of Windows XP/2000 installation.
If you want to install Windows XP/2000 on the SATA hard disk and also want to use RAID function, please set the option to "RAID".
If you want to install Windows 98SE/ME on the SATA hard disk, please set the option to "RAID". Please also install the latest LAN driver (3.10a or newer version) for your new system.
b. When choosing "non-RAID" mode, it is not necessary to create a SATA floppy image diskette by the support CD nor press "F6" to install SATA driver at the beginning of Windows XP/2000 installation.
It is also convenient for users who do not have floppy drive.
If you want to install Windows XP/2000 on the SATA hard disk but do not want to use RAID function, please set the option to "non-RAID".
Q: My motherboard is P4Dual-915GL. In the manual, it said the AGI Express slot is PCI Express x4. Can I use other PCI Express x1/x2/x4 devices, like PCI Express LAN card or RAID card, on AGI Express slot?(2/18/2005) A: We have tested x1 PCI Express LAN card on P4Dual-915GL. It is able to work on ASRock AGI Express slot.
Q: My hard drive is 160 GB, when I install Windows 2000 or Windows XP, I can only see 137 GB. However, when I install this 160 GB hard drive on the ATA 133 RAID card, I can use whole 160 GB. What's wrong?(5/15/2004) A: If you would like to use whole 160 GB as only one partition while installing the Windows OS, please make sure that your OS is Windows 2000 service pack 4 included or Windows XP service pack 1 included.
When you install the hard drive on the RAID card, you would need to press F6 to install third party driver during the Windows installation, and the driver is the reason why you can use whole 160 GB even your Windows XP service pack 1 is not included.