Motherboards button
Graphics Card button
Graphics Card
Monitors button
Gaming Monitor
Power Supply button
Power Supply
Mini PC button
Mini PC
Industrial PC button
Industrial PC
Server/WS button

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  • Hi-speed PCIe Data Transfer - SATA cable is better than IDE cable
  • Longer Cable Length - Easier for installing your system
  • Lower Voltage Drop - Offering adequate voltage for graphics cards
  • 100% Compatible with PCIe x1 and PCIe x16 Slots - An out of the box solution
  • Machine Made - Compared to handmade cables, this cable is more reliable and durable with high quality control standards
This model may not be sold worldwide. Please contact your local dealer for the availability of this model in your region.

The specification is subject to change without notice in advance. The brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Any configuration other than original product specification is not guaranteed.

The above user interface picture is a sample for reference. The actual user interface may vary with the updated software version.