Please read the information below before downloading or updating the BIOS
1. Carefully read the instructions under " Update method" shown below.
2. After updating the BIOS, all settings will be reset to their defaults.
3. If the system is working properly, we recommend keeping the current BIOS / firmware.
VersionDateSizeUpdate methodDescriptionDownload
2024/8/2610.64MBInstant FlashUpdate method iconUpdate AMD AM4 AGESA Combo V2 PI 1.2.0.Cc to patch SMM Lock Bypass security issue.

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if you are going to use Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
2024/8/810.64MBInstant FlashUpdate method iconUpdate AMD AM4 AGESA Combo V2 PI 1.2.0.C

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if you are going to use Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
2024/1/3110.66MBInstant FlashUpdate method icon1. Update AMD AM4 AGESA Combo V2 PI 1.2.0.B
2. Patch UEFI LogoFail vulnerabilities.

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if you are going to use Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
2023/10/2410.64MBInstant FlashUpdate method iconUpdate AMD AM4 AGESA Combo V2 PI 1.2.0.B

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if you are going to use Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
2023/6/2910.61MBInstant FlashUpdate method iconUpdate AMD AM4 AGESA Combo V2 PI

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if you are going to use Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
4.702022/11/210.61MBInstant FlashUpdate method icon1. Update AMD AM4 AGESA Combo V2 PI
2. Improve GPU compatibility for GeForce RTX 40 series.

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if you are going to use Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
4.402021/3/2910.36MBInstant FlashUpdate method iconUpdate AMD AGESA ComboAM4v2

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if you are going to use Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
4.202020/11/1910.22MBInstant FlashUpdate method iconSupports Ryzen 5000 series CPU.

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if you are going to use Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
4.102020/8/129.64MBInstant FlashUpdate method icon1. Update AMD AGESA Combo-AM4 PI
2. Supports 3RD Gen AMD Ryzen XT series CPU

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU is being used on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
3.302019/12/317.55MBInstant FlashUpdate method iconUpdate AMD AGESA Combo-AM4 Patch B

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU is being used on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
3.202019/8/139.48MBInstant FlashUpdate method icon1. Update AMD AGESA Combo-AM4 ABB
2. Improve Destiny2 gaming experience with Matisse CPU.

*ASRock do NOT recommend updating this BIOS if Pinnacle, Raven or Summit Ridge CPU is being used on your system.
*Before updating this BIOS, please also read the description in previous BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
3.102019/7/19.39MBInstant FlashUpdate method icon1. Supports AMD next generation Ryzen™ processors
2. Update AMD AGESA Combo-AM4

* Please install "AMD all in 1 with VGA driver ver:18.10.20_NHDA" or a later version before updating to this BIOS.
** If you updated the BIOS before updating the AMD all in one driver, please refer to the Display recovery SOP to recover your system.
*** User will not able to flash previous BIOS once upgrading to this BIOS version.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
1.702018/12/218.02MBInstant FlashUpdate method iconUpdate AMD AGESA to

* Please install "AMD all in 1 with VGA driver ver:18.10.20_NHDA" or a later version before updating to this BIOS.
** If you updated the BIOS before updating the AMD all in one driver, please refer to the Display recovery SOP to recover your system.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
1.302018/11/207.82MBInstant FlashUpdate method icon1. Support CBS and PBS in UserProfile.
2. Update PinnaclePI-AM4_1.0.0.4 Patch C
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
1.202018/10/127.82MBInstant FlashUpdate method icon1. Support multi-language for DRAM information.
2. Update Raven VBIOS and GOP
3. Keep XMP setting after system resuming from G3 state.
4. Change onboard display rule for Raven CPU.
5. Correct Boot Menu[F11] display.
Global Download GlobalChina Download China
1.102018/7/207.81MBInstant FlashUpdate method iconFirst released.Global Download GlobalChina Download China