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Passionate, Young, Innovative
ASRock Invites You to Experience The Ultimate Gaming & OC Style at CeBIT 2013

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TAIPEI, Taiwan, March 1, 2013 – With 2013 CeBIT in Hannover, Germany, once more, the world-renowned motherboard brand ASRock is preparing its latest products to deliver a world-class line-up at the show. Starting from March 5th, ASRock will be at Hall 17, Booth D32 to display a full range of motherboards, industrial PCs, server/workstation motherboards, and mini PC home theater systems.

CeBIT 2013

Besides the new product launch, ASRock will also bring you an ultimate gaming and OC experience at CeBIT 2013. The gaming show will feature the SK-Gaming team MC, who has two GSL champion titles and is unquestionably one of the best Starcraft2 Protoss players in the world; it is absolutely an exciting reason for you to visit the ASRock CeBIT booth.
Moreover, ASRock will invite another global famous Diablo3 player to its stage. Kingkongor, a Streamer on, who has proven himself to be one of the most popular Diablo3 Players in the world. He will have a daily gaming show at the ASRock booth as well.


As for the OC show, the world's top 3 overclockers including Nick Shih, SF3D and Perica will join ASRock's CeBIT booth. Nick Shih, the one who topped the Professional Overclockers League for 18 months straight, is no doubt a legendary overclocker. SF3D, the HWBOT Super PI 32M World-record Keeper and Perica, the Champion of 2012 ASRock X79 OC COMPETITION, all three Masters of Overclocking will showcase the great overclocking capability of ASRock motherboards together from March 6th to March 9th.

Nick Shih

Interested in watching the world-class gaming and OC shows? Come to visit ASRock's booth!

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